Neighborhood Watch President Karen Oliver welcomed 125 Neighborhood Watch members and guests to the 38th Annual Neighborhood Watch Appreciation Banquet at the La Palma Community Center on Thursday, February 20, 2025, at 2821 Walker Street, in La Palma starting at 6:00 p.m. After four members of the La Palma Police Department Explorers Honor Guard posted the American and California flags, President Karen Oliver led members and guests in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Karen then introduced City of La Palma Mayor Mark Waldman, who introduced all the members of the La Palma City Council who were present, City Manager Conal McNamara and retired former La Palma Chief of Police Dave Barr. Mayor Waldman thanked Neighborhood Watch members for their service in helping to keep La Palma safe.
Karen then introduced current La Palma Police Chief Joe Guerrero. Joe came to thank and honor the District Coordinators and Block Captains at the banquet. Chief Guerrero said that started in 1987, and the La Palma Police Department started its publication, The Source, 16 years ago with police reports and safety advice which Neighborhood Watch Block Captains delivered to residents. He thanked Neighborhood Watch members for assisting the Police Department is disseminating the information. He invited people to come to the monthly Neighborhood Watch meetings on the second Wednesdays of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the La Palma City Council Chambers of City Hall to listen to reports from Captain Jesse Amend.
Captain Amend then presented retiring President Oliver and the 2024 Neighborhood Watch Board members with Certificates of Appreciation for their work in 2024. Board members included Chief Joe Guerrero, Sally Hawkins, Dickson and Noella Lew, President Karen Oliver, Gail Poan, Kristina Truong (Social Media Representative), and Dee Vincenti.

Pictured are members of the La Palma Police Department Explorers carrying the American and California flags to post at the Neighborhood Watch 38th Annual Neighborhood Watch Appreciation Banquet at La Palma Community Center on February 20, 202
Treasurer Bert Poan, who was deceased in 2023, also receive a Certificate of Appreciation for his many years of service as Treasurer.
Karen then announced the names pf the nominated slate of officers who were unanimously accepted by members present. The new officers for 2025 are:
- President: Dee Vincenti
- Vice-President: Sharon Gutjahr
- Secretary: Noella Lew
- Treasurer: Dickson Lew
- Communications/Membership: Sally Hawkins
Newly-elected President Dee Vincenti then invited Chaplain Matther Agosto to say a Blessing Before the Meal that had been prepared by Chef Ernie Rahm of ERJ Catering. - Chef Ernie prepared a Delicious Chicken Parmesan main dish with a fresh salad, pasta, cooked vegetables, and bread, all by himself. Members of the Explorers helped to serve the meals to everyone, but Chef Ernie did all the cleaning up by himself!
While members and guests were enjoying their dinners, President Dee and her Board members awarded winners with free door prizes donated by La Palma businesses and individual members. Some door prizes were donated by In-N-Out Burgers, Jimmy-Johns, the new Postmart Plus, and Walmart. There were also 25 Silent Auction items that were bid on and raffled. Fifteen members of the Explorers helped to deliver prizes to the winners during the dinner. The raffles raised $925 for Neighborhood Watch to use as needed.to continue the work of delivering information to residents of La Palma and keep people safe from harm. - President Dee Vincenti thanked everyone for coming to the Neighborhood Watch Appreciation Banquet, for donating prizes, and for being part of the Silent Auction. She said that Board Members of Neighborhood Watch appreciate all the time and effort that volunteers give as part of Neighborhood Watch and are a valuable community asset for La Palma. She invited everyone to come to the Neighborhood Watch meetings every Second Wednesday of the month to learn more details about what the City of La Palma and the La Palma Police Department are doing to keep residents safe in the City of La Palma.