La Palma AAUW installs new officers for 2015-2016

La Palma-Cerritos Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) gathered for dinner at Frantone’s Pizza and Spaghetti Villa in Cerritos recently to thank the 2014-2015 board members for their service and to install new officers for this year.

The 2014-15 Board President Barbara Atherton welcomed 30 members and their spouses. She invited everyone to partake of the delicious salads, pastas, pizza, hot and cold drinks, and cheesecake desserts that were prepared for the buffet.

After dinner she thanked her 2014-15 board members and presented gifts. She said that she enjoyed working with everyone and would still be continuing to help raise funds for the AAUW especially for local scholarships.

Atherton then introduced Program Vice President Barbara Dunstan who served as the Installing Officer. Before proceeding with the installation of new officers, Dunstan presented Atherton with a Past President’s pin and a Certificate of Appreciation from CA AAUW EF (Educational Foundation) in recognition for her “significant contributions to the mission of AAUW. Dunstan surprised Publicity Chair Edna Ethington by presenting her also with a Certificate of Appreciation and a Named Gift Honoree pin from the CA AAUW EF.

With an original Installation Theme of “An Evening at the Spa,” Dunstan had fun dressing President-Elect Paulette Smith in a spa robe. She then proceeded to introduce the new officers for 2015-16, with each of them presenting humorous but useful items that Smith could use in a spa to relax or pamper her such as nail polish, hand creams, soap, lotions, massages, etc.

International AAUW representative Jackie Shazadi then explained the responsibilities that each person was undertaking with her office. After all elected officers were introduced Dunstan declared that President Paulette Smith and her new board members were officially installed as officers.

As her final act as presiding president, past President Barbara Atherton then passed her gavel to new President Paulette Smith.

Before Smith could speak, Dr. Shin Liu, Cerritos College Board of Trustees member, asked to make a special presentation. She gave Certificates of Appreciation on behalf of the Cerritos College Board of Trustees to La Palma Cerritos AAUW Board members to thank them for supporting the women students with scholarships for so many years. Dr. Liu is also a member of the La Palma-Cerritos AAUW.

Smith had a brief President’s message and thanked everyone who helped plan for the Installation of Officers and for coming to the dinner. She said that she was looking forward to working with her new board members in the months ahead with a focus on “The Year of the Woman.”

The evening ended with Local Scholarship Chairman Carol Marsh asking members to start working to get silent auction donations for the fashion show at the Sheraton in Cerritos on Nov. 21. Anyone wishing to donate items can call Carol Marsh at 714-005-6141.Proceeds from the fashion show will benefit scholarships for women students at Cerritos College.