Eager Griffin girls off to a strong start

Courtesy photo Pictured back row, left to right: Head Coach Maya Kennedy, Emy Chen, Sydney Boyd, Alex Tarver, Tamila Fanene, Lael Sells, Megan Lee, Kayli Liew, and Assistant Coach Ava Yale. Front: Theresa Fernandez, Emie Fell, Kassidy Beach, Kaitlyn Koehler, and Elise Marquez.

With a new regular season underway, a young but eager Los Alamitos girls basketball team is off to a strong start, having started the season 5-1. The Griffins regular starters are all sophomores, with returning players from last year’s team: Kayli Liew, Megan Lee, Sydney Boyd, and Kassidy Beach. Newcomer sophomore Elise Marquez rounds out the starting five.
Their only loss so far was to Sage Hill, a team among the top 16 of the Division 2AA preseason rankings.

Sage Hill has now moved into the No. 12 team in the Southern Section rankings by Max Preps. The loss came in the Villa Park/Portola Kickoff Classic Tournament.
The loss put the Griffins into the Silver Bracket, where they proceeded to win three straight games to capture the Silver Championship, defeating Villa Park, 59-37 in the final.

They were led by Liew, who had 19 points in the championship game. Lee followed with 14 points and Beach added 13 points. The scoring has been balanced among the starting five and they have averaged 57 points per game, while giving up just 39.

The Griffins closest game was a 53-49 overtime win against Hillcrest on November 16. Their most recent victory was 52-44 over California High School on November 24.
The Griffins played an away game against Oxford Academy on Tuesday (past press time), and have a home game against Canyon on Saturday, at 2 p.m. At the end of December, they will compete in the Garden Grove High tournament.