Cup is half full

Letter to the Editor

Humanity is in a better place than it has been in all of human history. I can hear the opposition and guffaws loud and clear. But give me a minute or two to explain. I too get upset, on a daily basis, after reading the morning paper. Yes, I did say paper, and I suppose this partially defines me, as (very) old –  habits are hard to quit.

As long as humans have inhabited the Earth, some folks have always had more than others. You may argue the reliability of their numbers, but according to the United Nations standards less than 10% of the world’s population endures extreme poverty. Absolutely nothing to feel good about, but their own statistics indicated the percentage was at 42% in the early 1980’s.

We live in a time when, as compared to less than two or three generations ago, mothers are less likely to die during childbirth and their children are more likely to live past the age of 15.

And as noted by an opinion piece in the Dec 31 West Hawaii Today, ‘2019 was probably the year in which children were least likely to die, adults were least likely to be illiterate and people were least likely to suffer excruciating and disfiguring diseases.’ Diseases like polio, leprosy, and elephantiasis are declining, global efforts have turned the tide on AIDS. And embrace the reality that, until the relatively recent past, there are few forces that will positively affect humanity more than the empowerment and education of women worldwide.

So, should we take it easy, and not worry so much about the future? Absolutely not. But maybe we need to begin to incorporate a deeper historical perspective. And while you’re getting upset while reading or seeing the morning news, think about how far we’ve come.

Probably the most effective means to all sorts of positive ends comes down to a personal level. Maybe just do one thing today to address an issue that is bugging you. Instead of tossing the newspaper into the trash, take a couple more steps and put it into the recycle container. Make sure you are registered vote, and exercise your enfranchisement.  Give a few bucks to the local non-profit that is helping kids cope with some serious issues. Take a stand and speak out on a local issue that just doesn’t seem right. Eat a veggie burger … naw … even that is going too far for me.

And know that it is OK to feel good about life on Planet Earth.

Elliott Singer

Los Alamitos