Council approves General Plan

While updating the collective vision for the future of the city, the Los Alamitos City Council adopted a General Plan by a vote of 5-0 at their meeting on March 23. The general plan includes land use, economic development, open space and recreation, mobility and circulation, public safety and growth management.

It replaces the City’s previous plan adopted in 1990.

Over the past 3 1/2 years and 40 public meetings, the city engaged the community to update their vision with the recent adoption of the Los Alamitos General Plan. The city held public hearings with the Planning Commission in October, November, December, January, and February. As a result of the public review period and public hearings, the City made a small number of revisions based on comments from the property owners, public agencies, and the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission then recommended approval and certification to the Los Alamitos City Council.

The Los Alamitos General Plan is the principal long-range policy and planning document guiding the development, conservation, and enhancement of the physical environment of Los Alamitos. It is a comprehensive collection of goals and policies related to a multitude of aspects of community life. State law requires every city and county to adopt a general plan to represent the jurisdiction’s view of its future.

The Los Alamitos General Plan is based on residents’ and community stakeholders’ long-range vision for community growth and values. Public involvement and input helped to define the character that led many citizens to live in Los Alamitos, and helped the planning team develop goals and objectives that preserve and expand upon that character.

To download the latest documents of the General Plan, please visit online at