Boys & Girls Club of Cypress SMART Girls Program promotes positive lifestyles

SMART Girls participants pose with Mayor Stacy Berry on their tour of City Council. From left: Carolina A., Jennifer P., Ruby M., Ella N., Christina K., Jaymie T., Ava A., Chloe W., and Kelsey N.

Boys & Girls Club of Cypress completed the 2019 SMART Girls Program last month. SMART Girls is a National Boys & Girls Clubs of America program which provides guidance for adolescent girls toward healthy attitudes and lifestyles, eating right, staying fit and reaching their full potential. The SMART Girls members met weekly at the Club King Program, located at Clara J. King Elementary School and operated by the Boys & Girls Club of Cypress. The program was offered to 4th-6th grade girls and discussed important issues such as proper nutrition, maintaining positive relationships, improving their personal body images and living a healthy lifestyle.

The SMART Girls program would not have been possible without the support of the Cypress Soroptimist group, who planned and implemented the lessons weekly. Special guests also assisted throughout the program and gave their expert opinion on various topics. Dr. Terrisa Ha came to speak to the girls about proper health, hygiene and the importance of good nutrition.

Officer Julie Marquez and Officer Hartman gave a discussion on cyberbullying and internet safety. Each lesson was informative, fun and simultaneously focused on the importance of creating meaningful connections and friendships with one another.

All of the girls were appreciative not only of the content they were learning, but also of the amount of time and dedication that all volunteers involved with the program gave them.

SMART Girls members also had the opportunity to take a free off-site field trip to tour Cypress City Hall and Council Chambers led by Cypress Mayor Stacy Berry. During the tour, the girls were able to visit the Council Chambers and held a mock City Council Meeting complete with a vote.

After touring City Hall, the girls visited the Police Department on a tour led by Officer Marquez.

For more information about the SMART Girls program or any other Boys & Girls Club of Cypress Programs, stop by the Club at 10161 Moody St. in Cypress, call 714-527-2697 or visit