Boy Scouts make rank of Eagle Scout

Eagle Scouts Nathan Harrison and Preston Lee are heavily involved in the community.

On Sunday, Aug. 10, Nathan Harrison and Preston Lee were honored by Boy Scout Troop 660 for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.  The Eagle Court of Honor was held at the Cypress Community Center, with over 100 family and friends in attendance.  Boy Scout Troop 660 is associated with St. Irenaeus Catholic Church in Cypress, and has produced over 100 Eagle Scouts since it was organized in 1966. All Eagle Scouts must perform a service project that benefits their community.

Nathan built seven large wooden racks to hold the guitars for the music classes at Lexington Junior High School in Cypress.

Preston landscaped the planter in front of Landell Elementary School in Cypress, surrounding it with bricks, preparing the soil, and planting it with flowers and shrubs.  Both boys raised all of the funds and purchased all of the materials for these projects, providing them at no cost to the schools.

Those in attendance at the ceremony included Nathan’s parents, James Harrison and Josephine Chow, his grandmother Pauline Harrison, and grandparents Lai Hah and ChakKiu Chow, and Preston’s parents Komund and Annabella Lee. Taking part in the ceremony were the current Scoutmaster of Troop 660, Mark May, and former Scoutmasters Richard Braun and Kent Gregory.  The Master of Ceremonies was Eagle Scout Andrew Kim.

Mayor Pro Tem of Cypress, Rob Johnson, was unable to attend but sent a letter of congratulations to Nathan and Preston, saying, “You are to be congratulated for your dedication and hard work in attaining the highest advancement in Boy Scouting.”

Nathan Harrison graduated from Cypress High School in June, and will be attending San Diego State University in the Fall, majoring in Environmental Engineering.  Preston Lee graduated from Los Alamitos High School and is attending the University of California San Diego majoring in Electrical Engineering.