Anaheim Union High School District swears in new trustee

Anaheim Union High School District swears in new trustee

On Friday, Feb. 1, Al Jabbar was officially sworn in as an appointee to the Anaheim Union High School District Board of Trustees, filling the seat left vacant by Jordan Brandman’s election to the Anaheim City Council.

The swearing in followed the board’s unanimous vote on Thursday, Jan. 31 to select Jabbar from among the 16 candidates who vied for the post. He will serve the balance of Brandman’s term through November 2014.

Following the resignation of Brandman, the options before the board were to call for a special election or make the provisional appointment.

Surrounded by family at the swearing in ceremony, Jabbar said he was “honored and humbled” by the appointment.

“I look forward to working with parents, teachers, and community members for a better future for our youth,” he said. “Education has always been a passion of mine because I have personally benefitted from public schools. There is little doubt in my mind that education is the key to good jobs and improving our quality of life. My mother, who was a teacher for 30 years, reminded me that, ‘You may lose your wealth during tough times, but you will not lose the knowledge you gained.’”

A resident of Anaheim for more than 14 years, Jabbar works as a program supervisor for Correctional Health Services at the Health Care Agency of Orange County. He holds an associate’s degree in business from Cypress College, a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Cal State Fullerton, and a master’s in public administration from Cal State Long Beach. He and his wife, Samee, have a 2-year-old daughter. Superintendent Dr. Elizabeth I. Novack said she was looking forward to assisting and supporting Jabbar as he settles into his role in advance of the next board meeting on Feb. 7.

“I know Mr. Jabbar will be a great compliment to our current board,” the superintendent said.

In nominating Jabbar for the position, Anaheim Union High School District Board Clerk Annemarie Randle-Trejo complimented him for his work in the community and commitment to public education.

“He is a young person who has proven himself, and clearly demonstrated that he understands the job of a trustee,” said board member Katherine H. Smith. “He will be a wonderful addition to this board.”

Assistant Clerk Anna L. Piercy called Jabbar open-minded and inclusive. She also pointed out that he has a vested interest in ensuring that the district continues to graduate students who are career and college ready with 21st century skills.

“He will be thinking about the future for his own child,” she said.

Board President Mr. Brial O’Neal enthusiastically echoed his colleagues’ sentiments.

“I look forward to learning more about Mr. Jabbar’s perspective on what we can do to continue to improve student learning and achievement,” he said.

For his part, Jabbar pledged to be a voice for parents and community members and hold schools accountable for providing a 21st century curriculum beyond just reading and math. He said he also will work to ensure that any budget cuts are kept as far away from the classroom as possible.

“We cannot compromise quality, engaging education,” he said.

Since 2007, Jabbar has served as a cultural arts commissioner for the city of Anaheim. He also has been working with neighborhoods to make them safe and free of violence. His involvement includes helping the West Anaheim Neighborhood Development committee organize events and inform residents of development issues. He also worked with community groups in the South Anaheim District to make neighborhoods safe and clean.

In addition, Jabbar has headed up two non-profit organizations