Veterans Voices: Veterans needed

Military Veterans, male and female, and/or spouses having served in the United States Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, Merchant Marine are all invited to join one of the existing Veterans’ organizations in your nearby community. We need you.
Irrespective of commission officer status, or just being one of the GI’s who served, whether you are a leader or a follower, you are needed to join a local Post, or an Auxiliary.

Military Veterans, male and female, and/or spouses having served in the United States Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, Merchant Marine are all invited to join one of the existing Veterans’ organizations in your nearby community. We need you.
Irrespective of commission officer status, or just being one of the GI’s who served, whether you are a leader or a follower, you are needed to join a local Post, or an Auxiliary.
The Auxiliary was originally known as the Ladies Auxiliary but now also includes male members. Many members actively participate in nearly all of the helpful activities of the Post. Additionally, the Auxiliary purchases foods and gifts during various holiday seasons to present to needy families, and hospital patients.
The Auxiliary urges women and men (ages 16 and over) who are blood-related to a male or female Veteran, either as your spouse, parents, grandparents, your children, grandchildren, and any of a Veteran’s siblings.
It is necessary to mention many of these helpful community activities. We have had to cut back or completely curtail many of these activities due to the decreased membership and lack of sufficient attendance at the monthly meetings. These are some of the reasons the Post and Auxiliary members cannot serve as well as they would like to. The local communities “suffer somewhat” for the lack of assistance from local Veterans’ organizations.
Membership in any organization is vital. The major problem is that membership in all organizations has diminished due to older ages, deaths, physical incapacities, school, job, and family responsibilities, resident relocations, and “busyness” in other activities, etc.
Membership requirements are minimal. Annual Dues are between $30-45 depending on each Post, and no monthly fees. Attendance at each monthly meeting is not required. (Members do not just sit around to tell “war stories” and sip beer, as some people mistakenly believe.) Many Posts have a social hour prior to the regular meeting that lasts about an hour. Some Posts have their meetings in the afternoons, evenings, and/or on one day of a weekend.
Veterans’ organizations are service organizations to serve the needs of our Veterans and our communities. Many Posts and Auxiliaries conduct various contests such as the “Voice of Democracy” and the “Patriots’ Pen Oral Essay.” These contests are to interest our youth in learning more about our great country’s history through their research on Americanism.
Both factions of the Post have had special committees to offer such topics as Veterans and Family Support, Hospital Visits, etc. and legislation to help Congress understand and pass laws to help all Veterans. We have had to cut back on many helpful activities, mainly due to insufficient membership. A task for one person is difficult, but with a few more to assist, the task is easier and more productive.
We need new members to continue helping all Veterans, and/or their families, and our communities.
Veterans’ organizations participate in individual events; such as parades, and/or national holiday Memorial Day and Veterans Day Ceremonies. The proudest time for the two local Posts in the Seal Beach area (American Legion Post 857, and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4048) is when our members hear and see the applause and cheers along Main Street in the annual Christmas-Family Parade.   The AL and the VFW collectively thank you.
Another very important event is the “Flag Retirement Ceremony” when many Veterans arrange with elementary schools to present information conducted in a somewhat dramatic way, to the students about the 13 Original Colonies. The Vets describe when each colony joined the United States of America, and about Betsy Ross who designed the first American Flag at the request of President George Washington. As the final part of the Ceremony, we show how a torn or tattered flag is disposed. The Ceremony is performed in about an hour with the students, teachers, and staff members all joining in singing a song or two about our American Flag.
Vet Post and Auxiliary members also have assisted local desperate residents, homeless individuals, needy Veterans in whatever ways they are able to. They also visit and/or assist in VA hospitals, or wherever and however they can.
Personal attention to other people is many times more important and helpful than cash donations.
Members also participate in many helpful community events and some “disaster situations” such a severe storm or a forest fire. We have collected foods, clothing, and bedding supplies for the unfortunate victims.
Veterans have helped America in many ways other than sacrificing their lives and limbs in combat, and other service divisions of their unit.
When President Franklin Roosevelt, with the support of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars urged Congress to pass the GI Bill, it enabled many millions of Military Veterans to attend various colleges and trade schools to learn and prepare for well-paying jobs or professions. Without the GI Bill, many millions of returning Veterans would have been jobless and possibly homeless.   Mass unemployment could have lead to horrible situations such as increases in crime, burglaries, riots, suicides, etc.
The advanced education and training enabled these Veterans to procure employment with good wages that allowed them to purchase housing, furniture and furnishings, automobiles, trucks, tools, etc.  All these purchases helped grow the American economy, which in turn increased the flow of sales and property taxes that repaid the government for the costs of the GI Bill.
The net result was a 7 –1 Return On Investment.
The American Legion Post meeting was conducted on Tuesday, Jan. 24 in the Los Alamitos Post 716, 3252 Florista Street, in Los Alamitos. Contact American Legion Post Adjutant Paul Pudenz at for more information.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) held its monthly meeting at the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station at 800 Seal Beach Blvd. in Building 6, on Tuesday, Jan. 24. Contact VFW Auxiliary President Chris Schmaltz at for more information.
If you are a Military Veteran or a civilian who knows someone who is a military Veteran, please give them a copy of this article.
Many people have said, “No one asked me to join.” Now, we are asking you to join or refer this article to other Veterans or their family members.
Our nation cannot afford to lose any of our Veterans’ organizations.

Bill Thomas of Rossmoor is a Veteran of World War II, and Past Commander of VFW Post 4048, and American Legion Post 857.
Contact Bill at