At the May meeting of the West Orange County Republican Women Federated, more than forty women gathered to socialize, fundraise, and listen to keynote speaker Dr. Mark McDonald and hear an update from Jane Rice.
Dr. Mark McDonald is a Los Angeles psychiatrist and author of United States of Fear and Freedom from Fear. Dr. McDonald shared content from both his books and insights that he has experienced in his medical practice since the start of Covid-19.
Dr. McDonald has done an extensive examination of our society and how it was affected during Covid-19. Although many mental health professionals are finally discussing the negative effects of Covid-19, Dr. McDonald observed the decline of America’s mental health as it was happening during the pandemic and describes the pandemic as a “pandemic of fear.” He explained to the group that America is suffering from mass delusional psychosis from lockdowns and over reaction from government, which has proved to be more damaging than the virus itself. The past few years have resulted in individuals becoming addicted to fear.
He went on to share that he wrote his second book, Freedom from Fear as a 12 step guide for individuals and our nation to use for “recovery” from our new addiction to fear and unhealthy behavioral responses. “Our nation cannot succeed if it is living in fear,” said Dr. McDonald. The group had an opportunity to share their experiences and ask questions about healing from the psychological effects of the pandemic.
The second speaker, Jane Rice from, shared upcoming building projects from various metropolitan areas. This bipartisan group is educating residents about building projects being approved in their neighborhoods without resident input. In an effort to increase housing options, many cities are approving projects that don’t align with the community’s goals. Ms. Rice encourages residents to become involved with what is happening in their local areas to preserve the character and culture of their community.
The West Orange County Republican Women Federated (WOCRWF) has been serving our communities since 1962. The WOCRWF is part of the California Federation of Republican Women which was founded in 1925 and is a Diamond Award Grassroots club. If you are looking for a Conservative Republican club that is actively engaged in local, county, state and federal politics, this is the club for you. If you would like to meet with like-minded women, contact West Orange County RWF by visiting our website at