Los Al Unified announces new elementary principals

Jason Farvour Courtesy photo

The Los Alamitos Unified School District this week announced new principals for two elementary schools, J. H. McGaugh and Hopkinson Elementary Schools.

District administrators began a search following the sudden resignation of Dr. Issaic Gates at McGaugh and after Hopkinson Elementary principal Evelyn Garcia announced she would replace the retiring Erin Kominsky as principal at Oak Middle School.

Los Al Unified officials announced in a press release that it has selected Wendy Wood to serve at the next principal of McGaugh Elementary and Jason Farvour to serve as the next principal of Hopkinson Elementary.

District officials said that the decision came only “after a thorough and rigorous process that included input from various stakeholders, including certificated and classified staff, families, Board of Education Members, and administration.”

“Having each been part of our Los Al USD family for decades, both Wendy and Jason bring an exceptional wealth of experience in education to their new roles,” said Superintendent Dr. Andrew Pulver. “They truly understand the value of relationships, collaboration, and building community and I am confident they will excel in their new positions.”

Wendy Wood
Courtesy photo

Wendy Wood
Wood has served Los Alamitos USD for the past 33 years in positions both inside and outside of the classroom as well as various leadership roles. Her vast experience includes three years as our McGaugh Assistant Principal, District Teacher on Special Assignment supporting Education Services, Site Administrative Designee, Instructional Coach, Mentor Teacher, and 27 years as an educator at Lee Elementary School where she taught kindergarten, first, second, third and fourth grade.

“I am humbled and beyond excited to continue to serve and build relationships with the Sea Lion community who has so graciously welcomed me with open arms,” said Wood.

Jason Farvour
Serving the district for the past 20 years, Mr. Farvour is no stranger to Los Al USD. For the past five years, he’s held the title of Assistant Principal at Los Alamitos High School over both Student Services and Curriculum and Instruction.
He spent the early part of his career as a history teacher and activities director at Los Alamitos High School and then went on to serve the district as a Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA). During his time as a TOSA, he also had the opportunity to serve our younger learners as a summer school administrator, supporting students, staff and families.

“Having begun my own parenting journey at Hopkinson, I am thrilled to return to this community and to work with and support all Huskies, their families, and the amazing staff,” said Farvour.

According to the district, both Wood and Farvour will assume their new principal roles on Jul 1, 2022. The Los Al Unified School District also announced it has also began the recruitment process to fill the open assistant principal positions at both McGaugh Elementary and Los Alamitos High School.