District looking to hire physical education aides after grant receipt

Looking for work. Los Al Unified is hiring. Courtesy photo

We know there’s a shortage of substitute teachers. Now the Los Alamitos Unified School District is also looking to hire Instructional Assistants for Physical Education for the district’s six elementary schools.

A job posting went up last week at losal.org for the part-time positions which pay up to roughly $25 an hour. Applicants need to have at least a high school diploma, GED or certificate of completion and two years of experience working with youth in organized sports or recreation. Applications are being accepted through Nov. 30.

Hiring P.E. aides is part of an effort to give teachers more time to engage in small-group learning inside classrooms, according to Deputy Supt. Ondrea Reed.

Groups of students will rotate outside for P.E. time with an aide and another classroom’s certified teacher, while some students stay in class for reading intervention or for assessments, for example.

The district received a $500,000 Expanded Learning Opportunity Grant that must be spent on new instructional aides to support student learning, Reed said in an interview last week. The district also sought Instructional Assistants in math, science and college prep classes for the secondary schools.

California requires students in first through fifth grades to participate in 200 minutes of Physical Education activity every ten school days. This approach works to meet that mandate and create “targeted time to provide support for all students,” Reed said.

You can find more information at http://www.losal.org/departments/human-resources/job-opportunities

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