Safety is top priority for Los Al Unified


As we begin a new year, the Board of Education, Dr. Barke, David Boyer, Meg Cutuli, Diana Hill, and Karen Russell, have continued to make student/school safety a top priority. The Board works diligently with all stakeholder groups to improve programs, stay abreast of best practices, implement new procedures, and provide education opportunities. The Director of Safety, Chris Vlasic, regularly interfaces with law enforcement and city and county officials to improve safety measures in and around our schools.
In the past two years, Los Alamitos Unified has made many improvements. There is a Los Alamitos Police Officer serving as a School Resource Officer at Los Alamitos High School, financially supported by the Los Alamitos, Seal Beach, and the District. Safe school assessments, in collaboration with law enforcement, were completed at all sites, resulting in updated Comprehensive Safe School Plans. A Crisis Response Team meets regularly, and we are creating a new Emergency Operation Center.
Education is a critical part of safety. Several workshops have been conducted for parents and staff, and practice drills are regularly scheduled at all sites in order to prepare students and staff for emergencies. All sites receive annual training regarding violent intruder protocols. Automated External Defibrillators have been installed across the District, first-aid and search and rescue equipment has been updated at all sites, and first-aid and CPR training are provided on an annual basis.
Much work has begun regarding safe routes to School. The School District is soliciting data from families and working with Cities and Orange County Public Works for recommendations. We have additional cross walks and crossing guards for all of our elementary and middle schools. We lowered the cost of transportation and have more than doubled the number of students riding a bus to school, which dramatically improves traffic in and around our schools. And, we have made site improvements with parking, red curbs, etc. to improve traffic flow and student safety.
Part of student safety includes our ongoing work with our Substance Abuse Prevention, Bullying Prevention, and Violence Prevention and Response Task Forces, as well as our Internet Safety Program. Regularly student education and activities, such as Red Ribbon Week, help teach students the importance of physical and emotional health. Recent parent education evenings have focused on cyber safety and mental health.
Some additional improvements include the following:
• Keys in knox boxes at all sites
• Protective window film on all windows
• Lock Blocks on all doors
• Numbers on buildings and roofs
• Training for all campus supervisors
• Visitor Management System installed district-wide
• Improved fencing
The District remains steadfast in our commitment to providing unlimited possibilities for our students, which can only happen when students are and feel safe and secure at school.