Friends celebrate Library Front Porch


The Friends of the Los Alamitos-Rossmoor Library had a Grand Opening Celebration for their new Front Porch with more than 200 community members including local and county dignitaries on Feb. 21.

The entire City Council of Los Alamitos, representatives from the Rossmoor Homeowners Association, a representative from the 2nd Supervisory District of Orange County, as well as the County Librarian Helen Fried came to the celebration.

The Front Porch is a space so much more than was envisioned. Even though the plans showed everything to scale, it was hard to imagine just how it would look.

The Front Porch goes far beyond any expectations. It is a beautiful space with new trees, native plantings, gorgeous wall bench, tables, and the personal tiles and pavers.

There have already been many photos taken of children sitting next to the lovely statue of a boy and girl reading together.

“I had the privilege to witness a very touching moment before the dedication ceremony,” said Cathy Oliver. “An elderly lady with a walker went over to the wall and put her hand on a plaque (obviously purchased for a loved one) and bowed her head for several minutes. She then moved away and left with an older gentleman.  It was so moving it brought tears to my eyes.”

There are more such stories. The library never imagined that the tiles and pavers would have the impact they are having. It has made the project even more rewarding for the library.

The project has been an amazing undertaking. The library wishes to thank the community for their help and support. They hope all will come to visit the Los Alamitos-Rossmoor Library and enjoy the new front porch.