8th Annual RHA Fiction Writing Contest

For six consecutive years, Rossmoor residents captivated our imaginations with fictional stories about Rossmoor and Rossmoor characters who fell in love, returned from war, discovered new friendships, uncovered Ross Cortese’s dead body, and recounted the backstory of our street names.

The years 2009 to 2014 gave rise to budding writers, and creativity meandered our neighborhood boulevards. This year the Rossmoor Homeowners Association is proud to continue our popular Fiction Writing Contest — the eighth in our almost-annual, yearly contest.

Time to dust off your typewriters, dig into your imagination, clear a space in your favorite writing corner, and put your stories to paper. The contest is open to any Rossmoor resident with a yarn to spin and a tale begging to be told. Don’t think you have to be a professional writer to enter — simply let your imagination lose and see where it takes you.

Topic Requirements: Entries should have a Rossmoor theme of some type: either placed in Rossmoor or about characters who came from Rossmoor.

Will this year’s winning story be about a crooked government official who approves a dangerous bridge serving Rossmoor residents in exchange for a bribe? Or about the challenge of a big match to a Rossmoor youth on one of our parks’ soccer fields? Or perhaps about a soldier serving his country far from home and dreaming back to his days in Rossmoor? Or maybe even a thriller with a nod to The DaVinci Code, outlining the meaning behind Rossmoor’s quirks?

The winner of the contest will receive a $200 VISA gift card from this year’s sponsor and all writers will have their stories published on the RHA website. The runner-up will win a $100 gift certificate, and the author of the third-place story will get a $50 gift certificate — both gift certificates from a local eatery. Even if you don’t win, it’s bound to be challenging and fun, and all entrants will be invited to a RHA-sponsored picnic in the park sometime this summer.

Directions:  Entries can be no longer than 1,000 words. The deadline is July 1. Send your stories either by email to stories@rossmoor-rha.org or by regular mail to: RHA Fiction Writing Contest, ? Rossmoor Homeowners Association, P.O. Box 5058, Rossmoor, CA 90721-5058. If you have questions about the contest, send them to Cathy Larson at the above email address.

Write away!