RCSD majority’s power grab overreach should end

Dear Editor,

I attended the Rossmoor Community Services District board meeting on July 9, where officials from the Orange County Public Works planning department spoke on two topics: a revised 20-year vision for Orange County unincorporated communities and an update on state mandates for housing development.

After the presentation on unincorporated areas, RCSD director Mike Maynard expressed displeasure that this update was coming after the process had already begun, instead of seeking this Board’s input from the start.

Mr. Maynard explained that the presenter had the privilege of speaking to 5 elected officials whom he proclaimed had jurisdiction over 10,500 residents. He advised that in the near future, public works select 1 or 2 members from RCSD to consult on crafting the 20-year vision.

I had to cringe at this notion that RCSD board members should be sought after by the Orange County Public Works, one of the nation’s largest public works departments. The outreach was intended to make the community aware that we can participate in the 20-year County vision process, including Mr Maynard and any other individual so inclined, and she gave links to their website.

It is misleading and grandiose for Mr Maynard to say OCPW should have addressed RCSD much sooner in their process. He was off base promoting RCSD as having governance over anything other than Rossmoor’s parks (along with very limited authority in street sweeping and lighting).

Ironically, under the leadership of President Maynard and Vice President Tony DeMarco, RCSD has failed to prepare a 5-year Master Parks Plan or a 5-year Capital Improvement Plan for Rossmoor parks during their tenure, as their predecessors have done. They have repeatedly missed schedules for park improvements. With this record, why would Orange County Public Works seek their expertise for a countywide 20-year plan if RCSD has been so undisciplined about their own parks’ 5-year vision?

As a second topic OCPW offered an informational update on some aspects of the housing element status. While not within the purview of RCSD either, it is likely of interest to many Rossmoor residents. However, I did not appreciate Mr. Maynard’s comments.

He mischaracterized Rossmoor residents as a “frightened community” in need of “protection” from the threat of the housing element. Mr Maynard has never talked to me or my neighbor friends about how we feel, and he certainly has no authority to speak on behalf of us as a community since, once again, RCSD is only a parks and recreation service district. To speak on behalf of the Rossmoor community, especially in this very unbecoming and inaccurate way, is offensive and an overreach of authority.

The hypocrisy is glaring. The hunger for more power is clear. RCSD has overreached and abused its authority. The power grabbing in matters outside of their jurisdiction is obvious. While RCSD tries to inject itself in housing, county planning, traffic and parking, it is failing to execute on the matters within its jurisdiction. RCSD has expended tens of thousands of dollars attempting to assert itself in matters outside its jurisdiction, reducing its budget for capital budgets and operations at its parks.

The majority 3 on this board fuels a deep chasm in our community with hateful misrepresentations such as these, one sided partisanship, selective listening, and bias on important issues for Rossmoor Parks. Maynard, Demarco and Barke have shown favoritism for selective activities at Rush Park versus Rossmoor Park. Is anyone surprised all three of them live near Rush Park?

If they had real neutrality in decisions impacting one park versus another, why would pickleball and girls’ softball be nonstarters at Rush Park? This RCSD majority has used its leverage to protect their own peace and quality of life.
This isn’t the first time Mr. Maynard has represented Rossmoor residents as fearful. Why is it that Mr. Maynard wants to characterize Rossmoor as being weak with fear of one another, either being in the faction of being frightened of our neighbors, or in the faction of instilling fear in our neighbors.

This board needs to be reined in. Three of its current Board members are coming up for re-election, including Nathan Searles, DeMarco & Barke. As voters this November, we can reconstitute the RCSD majority by electing people that will restore neutrality, listen to all of its constituents, reinstate a 5-year vision, bring back transparency and accountability, and allow Rossmoor residents to feel we all matter again.
Sue and Rob Kaplan