17th Annual Cypress Car Show plays on heart strings of car lovers


Car lovers will swoon over the 17th Annual Cypress Car Show, a big part of this year’s Cypress Community Festival on Saturday, July 28.

Visitors will be able to walk right up to a wide variety of dreams-on-wheels such as street cars from eras gone by, muscle cars, Corvettes, classics, trucks, vintage vehicles and sports cars.

Owners are on site and usually available to answer questions.

Car lovers will swoon over the 17th Annual Cypress Car Show, a big part of this year’s Cypress Community Festival on Saturday, July 28.

Visitors will be able to walk right up to a wide variety of dreams-on-wheels such as street cars from eras gone by, muscle cars, Corvettes, classics, trucks, vintage vehicles and sports cars.

Owners are on site and usually available to answer questions.

Proud vehicle owners can display their pride and joy at this year’s Car Show for a mere $15 entry fee. Just download the application from the Cypress Community Festival website at www.cypressfestival.com. Mail in your check for $15, payable to the Friends of Cypress Recreation and Parks, Inc. (FOCRAP), to Car Show Chair Brian Sunley at 4266 Via Verde, Cypress, CA 90630. You may also email Brian at bandlsunley@ca.rr.com or contact him by phone at (714) 828-9551 for more details and questions.

Drivers and their vehicles may arrive at Oak Knoll Park anytime after 7 a.m. on Saturday July 28 and must be present by 9 a.m.

Visiting car lovers may be sorely tested — forced to choose among their heart’s desires — if they take part in the voting for a Best of Show or Sponsor’s award.

For the 2010 Car Show, both awards were given to 1941 Willys — one owned by Tim Avila, the other by Bob Caverley.

The community is invited to Oak Knoll Park in Cypress to enjoy not only the car show, but many other family-oriented Festival activities that include rides, games, food, vendors, and much more.

The Show is organized by the Friends of Cypress Recreation and Parks, Inc., a non-profit benefit corporation.

The Cypress Community Festival is the largest one day event of its kind in Orange County. The Festival is held at Oak Knoll Park located at 5700 Orange Ave. in Cypress and will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, July 28.