By Gina Phillips
One of the most effective ways to become a great entrepreneur is to learn from those who did it first. Everyone has their own ideas about achieving results, and even if you don’t follow the exact success stories before you, their stories are entertaining and hopefully inspiring.
I want to introduce you to Miles Rubin. He was born in Long Beach, California but along with his Mom, Dad and Sister, moved to Rossmoor when he was just 9 years old. He started school, first at Hopkinson Elementary, then Oak Middle School and finally his high school years at Los Alamitos High.
Miles started volunteering at the Youth Center in 2013. He did so well that he was offered his very first job as a camp counselor at the YC where he learned that anything is possible. I asked Miles if he would answer some questions so that we may find some insight as to what makes him successful.
What did you think you were going to be when you grew up? “I knew that no matter what I did, I would be working with people and helping them be the best versions of themselves. It wasn’t until pretty recently that I decided I wanted to be a coach.
Tell me how you got into your line of work. “Growing up, I had struggled with being overweight. I had lost weight before, but always seemed to put it back on. At 9 years old I was diagnosed with Tourette’s Syndrome. It was at that time I realized how powerful the human mind is. Anything and Everything we experience starts and finishes with what happens in our mind. I was able to lose weight and once I discovered that I was able to eliminate all the tics/symptoms, I believed that this was something I could share with others.
What were some of the things/people that inspired you to do the work you do? “Tony Robbins is a huge inspiration of mine. Any and all “miracle” stories are very inspiring as well. Whether It’s beating cancer, or being told you would never walk again but ended up running a marathon two years later. Those kinds of stories motivate me to move forward in what I do.” Miles believes that the moment you overcome one obstacle in life, it opens up an infinite potential for other achievements yet to be experienced.
What lessons has your work life taught you? “That anything is possible. We decide what were capable of, whether it’s a conscious decision or not. Life isn’t about the conditions presented to us, but more about how we operate within the conditions that are in front of us. If we focus on the structure and process of our thoughts, we can begin to recognize that we can design our life the way it was intended.
If you could do anything now, what would you do? “I would bring awareness that everyone is capable of greatness. No one has to settle for what others tell them is right for them. My mission is to transform the world one person at a time using the lessons I’ve learned along the way.”
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