Joyce Grohmann, who was elected president of the Woman’s Club of Cypress (WCC) at their April 4 meeting, leads a new slate of executive officers for the 2014-15 one-year term.
Joyce Grohmann, who was elected president of the Woman’s Club of Cypress (WCC) at their April 4 meeting, leads a new slate of executive officers for the 2014-15 one-year term.
The installation luncheon was held on May 7 with members, friends and guests attending the event at the Marriott Courtyard in Cypress. The new executive board members are:
President – Joyce Grohmann
Second Vice – President Membership Judy Wagner
Recording Secretary/Treasurer – Maria Sterk
Corresponding Secretary – Delight Sittman
Program Chairwoman – Kathy Sidaris
Assistant Program Chairwoman – Gina Cheifer (non-voting)
Parliamentarian – JoAnne West
Publicity – Donna Holder
Assistant Publicity – Robin Itzler (non-voting)
The Woman’s Club of Cypress held its first meeting in 1966 when neighborhood women came together to share interests in citywide cultural, educational, civic and social welfare activities.
“Whether you are new to Cypress or now want to get more involved in local activities and meet a great group of women, this is the place to be,” said Grohmann, who is a long time Cypress resident. “Whatever your interest, we’re probably supporting it. And I might add, we have a lot of fun along the way.”
The Woman’s Club of Cypress is a member of General Federation of Women’s Clubs, California Federation of Women’s Clubs, and its Orange District.