Weaver Elementary designated as a ‘No Place for Hate’ school


Weaver Elementary School in Los Alamitos recently received the honor of being designated as the first No Place for Hate® School in Orange County by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of Orange County/Long Beach.

ADL’s No Place for Hate® campaign helps schools enhance or create a culture of respect, value diversity, reduce bullying behavior, to create and maintain a safe and positive learning environment. No Place for Hate® schools receive their designation by:

  • Building inclusive and safe communities in which respect is the goal, and all students can thrive.
  • Empowering students, faculty, administration and family members to take a stand against hate and bullying by incorporating new and existing programs under one powerful message.
  • Engaging schools and communities in at least three anti-bias activities per year, which the ADL helps to develop.
  • Sending a clear, unified message that all students have a place to belong.

The Weaver Ambassadors, who serve as student leaders, developed the Weaver No Place for Hate® promise and sponsored four school wide activities that supported this effort. This included engaging in “Too Good for Violence” lessons, creating “My Vision for P.E.A.C.E.,” partnering with The Assistance League of Long Beach who provided The Kids on the Block Puppet Show on bullies and school safety, creating a safe school team building activity for 4th and 5th grade students, and joining the “Mean Stinks” movement where every student, teacher and staff member signed their name on a blue ribbon and placed it on the fence surrounding the No Place for Hate® banners.

The Weaver Ambassador program was established in 2004 in an effort to create an inclusive approach for leadership development. The year long program empowers students by providing leadership skills, opportunities and experiences where they make a commitment to lead by example, demonstrate respect and responsibility, and engage in community service.

For information about how to participate in the ADL’s No Place for Hate® campaign, contact Heather Rhein at the Anti-Defamation League Orange County/Long Beach online at hrheirn@adl.org or call 949-679-3771.

For more information about The Ambassador Program, contact Lysa Gamboa-Levy online at weaverambassadors@gmail.com or call 562-895-0580.