Pictured, is local club team, Pacific Soccer Club Girls under 10 team from Los Alamitos. The team won the AC Brea Thanksgiving tournament this past weekend playing on Friday and Sunday in heat, rain and mud ending with a climatic double over time golden goal win. These girls have hearts of champions and are presently playing in the quarterfinals of League Cup in San Bernardino this coming weekend. There remain only eight teams out of 54 in their quest for the top club team. Pictured (from the bottom row and left to right) are Cadence Michelotti, Layla Salinas, Sofia Ferguson, Kaia Medby Pictured (top row) are Ella Salazar, Kelly Tou, Delilah Kishek, Ella Centeno, and Isabella Reynoso. Not pictured is Sarah Caesar. Coaches are Henry Salazar and George Kishek.