The Savvy Caregiver Program—A six-week Family Caregiver Training Series

St. Irenaeus Catholic Church

By Rosemary Lewallen

St. Irenaeus Health Ministry is offering the Savvy Caregiver Series through Alzheimer’s OC on Thursdays from July 25 through August 29 in the Education Building, 5201 Evergreen Ave., Cypress, from 10 a.m. through 12:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.

The Savvy Caregiver Program is an “evidence-based” 12-hour training provided over a six-week period that will give caregivers of people with dementia greater confidence, increased understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, and tools to use that improve quality of life and support.

“Evidence-based” is a term that means that rigorous study has been done of the effects of completing the program that show reliable positive changes.

This program is a nationally acclaimed course that has been shown to provide caregivers with:

-Personal knowledge, skills and caregiving perspective

-Tools to assess the abilities of their loved one with dementia

-Confidence to set and change goals in caregiving

-Strategies for managing activities of daily living

-Understanding how the disease progresses

-Crucial ways to take care of themselves

-Improved ability to work effectively with healthcare professionals

Interested individuals must call Alzheimer’s Orange County at 844-435-7259 to reserve space and discuss the suitability of this class to meet your family’s needs. Respite care is available. Please contact St. Irenaeus Faith Community Nurse Jennifer Dagarag, at 714-826-0760 if you will need someone to watch your loved one while you attend the class. There is no charge to attend.