St. Irenaeus Fall Fiesta was a big success

Courtesy photo Pictured at the Fall Fiesta at St. Irenaeus Church in Cypress in September of 2022, is Fr. Binh Nguyen, in the center at the Filipino Catholic Federation Booth at the Fiesta. The Filipino Food Booth was one of the most popular food booths at the Fiesta with its lumpia and pancit.

The St. Irenaeus Fall Fiesta Committee Co-Chairs, Jason and Kyeli Roberts and Daniel and Tennille Rozak, would like to give a heartfelt “THANK YOU” to all who helped make the Fiesta possible. Throughout the entire Fiesta, we saw countless smiles, warm embraces, and heard joyous laughter of the community at St. Irenaeus Church in Cypress and St. Irenaeus School. There is no way to adequately thank each individual person, who, without his or her help, the Fiesta would never have been possible.

Everyone came together to celebrate to celebrate as a community in the truest sense of the word CATHOLIC! The many groups within our parish who helped support the Fiesta such as our Parish Choir, who coordinated our Opportunity Drawing, H.O.P.E. (Help Other People Every Day) serving a Pancake Breakfast on the last day of the Fiesta on Sunday, and our Knights of Columbus helping at both the Pancake Breakfast and the Potato/Nacho Booth.

Other groups who volunteered to help at different booths were the Parish Boy Scouts, the Legion of Mary, Health Ministry. St. Irenaeus School, Parents, Staff, and Alumni, and the Hispanic, Vietnamese, Latin American, and Filipino Communities who prepared delicious food on all three days of the Fiesta. We were also grateful for those who manned the game booths and the booths for ice cream, hot dogs, hamburgers, and hot and cold drinks.

We would especially like to thank our amazing Pastor, Fr. Binh Nguyen. Fr. Binh supported our Fall Fiesta from the beginning of planning for the Fiesta on day one, months ago, all the way to the closing day of the Fiesta on Sunday. Fr. Binh was helping to take down tables at 10:00 p.m. on the last night of the Fiesta.

We also cannot forget the principal of St. Irenaeus School, Mrs. Stella Costello. She worked tirelessly with the Fiesta Chairs over this past year, staying for meetings well into the evenings to ensure everything was taken care of. She also worked the entire Fiesta weekend, wherever she was needed, whether it was in the Alumni Booth, selling tickets, or acting as a contest judge. We are pleased to have her as Principal of St. Irenaeus School.

The Fiesta Committee held a contest for the best decorated game booth, where the best-decorated booth would win a pizza party for the students. Each grade at St. Irenaeus School was assigned a booth to decorate, with parents and students volunteering to decorate and work in it.

Everyone did such a fantastic job that it was too difficult to choose just one grade to win the pizza party, so the Fiesta Committee allowed the judges to choose three winning grades. As judges for the best decorated booths, Fr. Binh, and Principal Costello chose the Fifth, Third, and Kindergarten grades as winners for pizza parties. The Fiesta Committee thanks the parents and students for all their hard work to help make the Fiesta immensely successful operationally and financially!


In conclusion, the Fiesta Committee would like to thank all of you who volunteered time, sponsored a booth, or who brought their family and friends to come and enjoy the food, games, rides, and entertainment at the Fiesta throughout the weekend. MAY GOD ABUNDANTLY BLESS YOU ALL!

For more information or questions about the St. Irenaeus Church Fall Fiesta of 2022, contact the St. Irenaeus Parish office at 714-826-0760.