Serve Los Al event set for this weekend

Serve Los Al slated for this weekend

The City of Los Alamitos is partnering with nonprofits in the community on the annual citywide volunteer service event, “Serve Los Al,” scheduled for September 11 and 12. Serve Los Al was created to help beautify our city and provide the community an opportunity to unite volunteers to serve the City they live in as well as assist the local nonprofits in accomplishing their goals and noble work they do each day. Special thanks to Event Sponsors Southland Credit Union, MemorialCare Miller Children’s & Women’s Hospital Long Beach, and Cottonwood Church for their generous support to make this event possible.

A drive-up donation project will take place on September 12, from 9 a.m. to noon, accepting hygiene products that will be donated to the local non-profits to help families in need. Products include items such as toothbrushes, shampoo, hand sanitizer, etc. Donations can be dropped off at Little Cottonwood Park (4000 Farquhar Ave).
This year, there are even more ways to give back to your community! Donate pet supplies on Saturday, September 12 at Los Alamitos Community Center from 8 a.m. to noon. Help a furry friend in need by donating pet supplies, all items will be donated to shelters with animals in need. Vet Care Clinic will offer pet vaccines at low cost at the Community Center on September 12 at 8 – 10 a.m.

Join us for the Drive-Thru Health Giveaway on Saturday, September 12 at Little Cottonwood Park from 9 a.m. to noon. The first 200 participants will receive a goodie-bag with health related items donated by local health organizations. In order to protect public health, the event is taking place via drive-in style. No walk ins or bicycles allowed.
Volunteers are requested to pre-register at and sign up for specific projects.