Rossmoor Woman’s Club installs new board, president

Courtesy Photo Seated from left, Yolanda Vargas, Susan Denley, Kathy Loch, Pat Aldridge, Sue Goldberg; standing from left, Deborah Hastings, Rhea Black, Janie Bruce, Lorena Bartlett, Kersti Garthwaite, Beverly Rigney, Denise Stehney, Andrea Lund, Barbara Murphy and Sandy Tessier. Not pictured: Betty Hagan and Michelle Wittenberg.

The Rossmoor Woman’s Club met at the Grand Event Center in Long Beach on Wednesday to honor their outgoing board and install a new president. Outgoing President Susan Denley expressed appreciation for the hard work done by board members during her two-year term, especially while dealing with Covid quarantines.

Among other things, the club broke its own fundraising record and won a commendation from the California Federation of Women’s Clubs during this difficult time. Incoming president Sue Goldberg, seated at right, was sworn in by Sandy Tessier, standing far right, who is an RWC board member and president of the California Federation of Women’s Club’s Orange District.

The RWC is a social and service non-profit volunteer group that was founded in Rossmoor in 1958. It now accepts members from all over northwest Orange County, Long Beach and beyond. It is best known for sponsoring the annual Rossmoor Holiday Home Tour in December and Spring Garden Tour in May and donating all net proceeds to local charities and scholarships for Los Alamitos High School and Youth Center students.