Pony squad takes first

The LAYB Pony Cardinals won first place in the regular season with a record of 15-3 earning the trophies shown and also won the league playoff in a hard-fought defensive game against the Dodgers, which earned them the championship rings the boys are sporting.  Pictured here from left to right, front row: Jake Romo and Brock Villegas. Second row: Owen Kendrick, Matthew Teufel, Billy Wei, Shain Allen, Zachary Riggins, Spencer Kendrick, and Jack Lopez. Back row: Coach Brad Van Meeteren, Manager Dave Robinson, and Coach Scott Allen.  Missing from the photo: Trevor Van Meeteren.

The LAYB Pony Cardinals won first place in the regular season with a record of 15-3 earning the trophies shown and also won the league playoff in a hard-fought defensive game against the Dodgers, which earned them the championship rings the boys are sporting.  Pictured here from left to right, front row: Jake Romo and Brock Villegas. Second row: Owen Kendrick, Matthew Teufel, Billy Wei, Shain Allen, Zachary Riggins, Spencer Kendrick, and Jack Lopez. Back row: Coach Brad Van Meeteren, Manager Dave Robinson, and Coach Scott Allen.  Missing from the photo: Trevor Van Meeteren.