OC Transportation seeking public input on future needs

Orange County

The Orange County Transportation Authority is preparing for the long-term transportation future of Orange County and wants to hear from local residents, workers, and business and community leaders.

Every four years, OCTA develops a long-term transportation plan to meet Orange County’s evolving mobility needs for the next 20 years and beyond.
Work is beginning on the 2022 plan called Directions 2045, which aims to provide a framework for equitable, innovative and sustainable transportation for Orange County’s future.

“The Long-Range Transportation Plan evaluates demographic and economic forecasts to address future transportation needs,” said OCTA Chairman Andrew Do, also the Chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. “That is why hearing from those who travel in Orange County – whether by car, train, bus, or bicycle – is essential for OCTA to be able to provide a balanced and sustainable transportation system for years to come.”

Members of the public will have several opportunities to ask questions and give their thoughts and feedback as the process moves forward.

Upcoming opportunities to provide input include:
• A free public webinar, via Zoom, is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday Oct. 19. The webinar link is at LRTP-Meeting.com and the webinar ID is 847 5366 4364. Or participants can call in to (213) 339-8477. (Spanish translation will also be available.)
• Members of the public can also share their opinions by filling out a brief online survey through Oct. 31. More information and the survey can be found at octa.net/lrtp.
The objectives of the study include developing a vision for Orange County’s future transportation system, addressing key challenges through 2045 and using public input to identify new transportation initiatives and priorities.
The long-range plan will continue to be developed through summer 2022. The plan is scheduled to go to the OCTA Board of Directors for consideration in fall 2022.
Results will go to the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) for inclusion in a regional plan. For more information on the plan and to stay connected, visit octa.net/lrtp.