OC Health Dept. clarifies ‘Shelter in Place’ Order; Most biz ok

Health Dept. Clarifies Order. Most businesses get conditional ok

Orange County health officials are walking back an order released two days ago, saying the order issued by County health officer Dr. Nichole Quick was “NOT an order to shelter in place. It is not a lockdown.”

The hastily issued order sparked much confusion among Orange County business owners, as the Health Department now says “it is important for all Orange County businesses to remain open while practicing social distancing consistent with the Governor’s guidelines.

However, following state guidelines, all bars and other business establishments that serve food shall close. All restaurants and other business establishments that serve food shall close all onsite dining. Pickup dining and drive thru services may remain open. It is important for all Orange County residents to read the order IN ITS ENTIRETY.

Unfortunately, said health officials, “the order, as written, caused widespread confusion.” In order to provide more clarity, the Health Department said it would be issuing amended orders.

Residents or businesses with questions are asked to call the OC Health Department hotline at (714) 628-7085.