Los Alamitos to start school year in distance learning mode

Dr. Andrew Pulver

The Los Alamitos Unified School District will begin the school year August 31, at all levels, in distance learning mode, Dr. Andrew Pulver, Supt. of the Los Almitos Unified School system announced Friday, August 14.

Here is the full text of Dr. Pulver’s statement.

“We know all of us want to know which instructional setting we will begin the new school year with students on August 31.  While August 17 is the last date we could wait to see if Orange County is removed from the State Monitoring list to allow for in-person instruction, I know it is also unsettling to continue to wait and make plans.
Additionally, while the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) elementary waiver was submitted yesterday, it could take 14 or more days to be approved and that too is unsettling to have to wait to learn what the start of school will be at the elementary level. One thing that is certain is our LosAl@Home pathway; students in the LosAl@Home pathway will be in distance learning throughout the year while in the pathway.
Today, we are announcing that we will begin the start of school on August 31 in a distance learning setting at all levels (elementary, middle and high school) for those students enrolled in the traditional schooling pathway.
If the CDPH and the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) approves the CDPH elementary waiver within the next 14 days, elementary schools will migrate into the hybrid setting the second week of school, after the Labor Day holiday. If the CDPH elementary waiver is not approved, elementary schools will continue in distance learning until Orange County is off the State Monitoring list for 14 consecutive days or until new guidance is issued by CDPH and OCHCA.
McAuliffe Middle School, Oak Middle School, and Los Alamitos High School students enrolled in the traditional schooling pathway will remain in distance learning until Orange County is off the State Monitoring list for 14 consecutive days or until new guidance is issued by CDPH and OCHCA.
Thank you for your patience, dedication, and perseverance as we prepare for the new school year beginning August 31. Our Los Al family is looking forward to welcoming you and your children back to school. I pray that you and your families are safe and healthy and wish you all a wonderful weekend.”