Wrong time for LA Fitness
Dear Editor,
I thank the editor for allowing such open and different viewpoints that have come up in recent weeks. Last week again the LA Fitness continues to a big controversy.
The reader that wrote to give the center a chance, because of improved health, is to be applauded, and of course that’s wonderful. I have to say however, there are many different kinds of exercise one can choose, we don’t have to lead a sedentary lifestyle.
When the gym of years ago left, that would have been the time to fit in LA Fitness; it’s too late now, corporations have taken over and we are full. There is crime involved, read the stats, I have had family and a friend that have had their cars broken into at a fitness center.
And a shout out to Republican Women’s Group as they gave us a big shout out. My thought is for them to have a “liberal” speak at one of their luncheons and perhaps with an open mind they will learn would it means to be called a liberal. Step out of your Republican box and see how confusing and dark this country’s government has become, and how so many executive orders have flown from this President’s desk that make us all cringe! No money for sanctuary cities. Understand this executive order too was blocked because of ambiguity and inequitable wording: criminals aren’t going home, families are being torn apart. The billion you speak of in grants is complicated. I suggest you do some more research and maybe then you won’t be so concerned.
And last a very happy 100th birthday to a truly great, late president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy on May 29. And to Ringling Brothers Circus for performing their last circus act ever–finally.
Claudia Freeman
Los Alamitos