Former Supreme Court Justice intern speaks to local students

Having interned for Chief Justice Warren Burger in 1974, Rossmoor-Los Alamitos Republican Women Federated member Gayle Posner was the perfect person to talk to Rossmoor Elementary third graders who are studying the three branches of government, on March 19. She spoke on Article III of the Constitution, which established the Judicial Branch, and her grandson Ben Posner who is a student in the class was excited to have “grandma” speak to his classmates.

“My grandson’s teacher Beth Ellis invited me to speak because she knew I had interned at the Supreme Court,” said Posner. “The students were enthusiastic and very interested to learn about the judiciary, legislative and executive branches.”

“During my presentation, we talked about the building the Supreme Court sits in as well as what freedom of speech means,” she said. “Being young children, examples were simplified so they would understand that freedom of speech doesn’t mean you can yell fire in a crowded theater.”

Following her presentation, the students took a short quiz and correctly answered all the questions. Posner added, “I gave each student a copy of the U.S. Constitution and Ms. Ellis received a folder entitled ‘Ten Cases Every Teenager Should Know.’ Ben told me that the class is going through all ten cases.”