Don’t let fear influence decision


Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

I read with interest the letters to the News Enterprise editor (Wednesday, May 22, 2013) from Los Alamitos residents Dave Emerson and Art DeBolt.  Both were clear examples of “fear vs. fact” because they use demagoguery in place of truth and reality.  Allow me to explain:

Mr. Emerson lays out a case for blocking Measure A because he wishes to essentially “force” the current owner of private property to give up highly-valuable land to use as a park.  Where would the park be located?, in Cypress, of course.  Who will pay for maintaining the park?  Cypress residents.  Where is Emerson from?  Los Alamitos.  The rationale for extracting parkland concessions from the current private owners is based upon an altruistic action by them to help the City of Cypress and Cottonwood Christian Center close a deal.  Residents will remember that this action allowed the Costco project to be completed, which has turned out to be of very high value to shoppers from all surrounding communities.  But take notice: The land grant has not been turned into a park.  It is not costing us, the residents of Cypress, anything to maintain.  What will that land become?  Only time will tell, but it is not a park.

Mr. DeBolt’s letter was the ultimate act of using incorrect statements and words such as “shame on you” to push a brand of activism that has poisoned politics in the city of Los Alamitos for years.  It adds nothing new to the discussion, and offers no solutions (Just saying “no” is not a solution).  Let’s replace the misinformation with facts:

The deed restrictions were not “voluntarily” offered by the landowner.  They were proposed as mitigation of concerns voiced by residents represented by Citizens for Responsible Development in Cypress (CFRD).  Residents found the language in Measure A to be too broad and wished to gain guarantees from the landowner and the City of Cypress that what is being proposed is what will be built.  This was achieved through hours of good-faith negotiations between the parties in a spirit of unity and truthfulness.  And yet, Mr. DeBolt, using inaccurate statements, suggests that the parties involved should feel shame.

Mr. DeBolt asserts that the deed restrictions are not binding on this or future city councils.  This is a FALSE statement, as verified by three separate attorneys, one of which was independently engaged by CFRD.  The deed restrictions and the restrictive covenant agreements flow with the property, regardless of the zoning changes in Measure A, or any other Measure that may be proposed later.  They are recorded by the County and flow forward to all future owners and city councils.  Any Cypress resident can file a demand in court that the City of Cypress enforce the deed restrictions.  Apparently, Mr. DeBolt does not know this.  He suggests that you ask me.  I hope he reads my answer because it is based upon law and fact, not fear and demagoguery.  In fact, I encourage everyone to take Mr. DeBolt’s advice: Ask me.  Here is my email address:

Perhaps most troubling of all are Dave Emerson’s and Art DeBolt’s attempts to bring Los Alamitos-style politics to the City of Cypress.  I do not believe they represent the majority of the good citizens of Los Alamitos, whom I have found to be quite ready for a new spirit of unity and reconciliation in their city.

Now is not the time to divide, blame, and destroy the reputations of those operating in good faith to remedy concerns.  It’s time for the entire community to support truth, honesty, and unity by voting Yes on Measure A.  Doing so will bring the benefits of beautiful housing along Cerritos, funding for schools and parks, and additional protections for all of us – even residents of Los Alamitos.

Steven K. Mauss
