Dear Editor,
Dear Editor,
I believe that the Cypress City Council meeting held on Monday, May 13, was a great night for the residents of Cypress and our neighboring cities. The city council voted to accept deed restrictions on the property that will be voted on by Cypress residents in the special election being held on June 25 that asks us to consider Measure A. Until these deed restrictions were approved, Measure A had the potential of being a significant and unwelcome burden on our community. While we were told that the intent of Measure A was primarily single-family housing and neighborhood commercial, the initiative language told a different story. The Measure A 160-plus page initiative had very similar language to last year’s June 2012 Measure L 160-plus page initiative. With Measure L, we thought we would see senior housing being developed rather than the potential of a truck terminal and warehouse and distribution center.
Over the past six weeks, through the willing efforts of the Measure A property owners, the commitment and hard work of the Citizens for Responsible Development organization, and the support of the Cypress City Council, deed restrictions have been agreed to that commit 30.7 acres to single-family housing, five acres to neighborhood commercial, a park, or potentially additional housing, and 11 acres to business park uses that have limitations on both operating hours and truck bays. The property owner has expressed an interest in beginning the environmental impact report process for the single-family housing as soon as possible, which is very promising.
The deed restrictions on this property have eliminated my prior concern of a significant increase in traffic, noise, and pollution that were real possibilities with Measure A. Working through this process should give us all a reason to believe that we have a city council that supports and listens to the concerns of Cypress residents, a property owner that wants to be a good neighbor, and when people work together, great things can happen. I am thankful to everyone that had a role in this process.
It is my hope that anyone that had concerns about Measure A before the deed restrictions will change their mind. I know I have changed my mind. There is clear reason to believe this development will be good for our city. I hope all Cypress voters will join me and vote Yes on Measure A on June 25.
George Pardon