Jewish Long Beach presents “Flowers Aren’t Enough” on Feb. 2

Courtesy photo Naomi Ackerman.

Jewish Long Beach with Temple Beth Ohr, Home Shalom, and Advot Project, is raising awareness of domestic violence through the one-woman show by Naomi Ackerman. “Flowers Aren’t Enough” debuted in Israel over 25 years ago and remains relevant.

“Domestic violence is unfortunately a pervasive issue that knows no boundaries,” said Deborah Goldfarb, CEO of Jewish Long Beach. “It affects all genders, age, economic status, race, and culture. It’s incumbent upon all of us to raise awareness and improve relationships to put an end to any violence within families.”

From The Israeli Times in 2022, the Jerusalem Ministry of Welfare commissioned Ackerman to write the play in 1998, then as a shorter piece for a city social workers conference. Ackerman also created curriculum dealing with domestic abuse based on the play.

Flowers Aren’t Enough tells the story of Michal, a young woman who falls into an abusive relationship. The show’s power is that it breaks the often-held myth that only uneducated, poor women from bad families are victims. Based on true stories, Ackerman has woven the voices of women from different cultures and backgrounds into a performance that encourages social change. Discussion and dessert reception to follow.

“By showcasing the issue, we hope to remove any shame or embarrassment a victim might hold that will stop them from asking for help,” Goldfarb said. “There are multiple local community resources where people can receive help.”

In addition, WomenShelter of Long Beach representatives will be present at the event with relevant community resources.

The one performance is 2 pm Sunday, Feb. 2, at the Alpert Jewish Community Center (3801 Willow St., Long Beach, CA 90815). Tickets are $15 for patrons 14 years old and older.

If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, don’t hesitate to call for help. The national domestic violence hotline is (800) 799-7233 where they will connect you to local resources.

Visit the Alpert JCC website for more information and to register. No backpacks or large bags will be allowed inside. Clear bags that are equal to or smaller than 12 inches x 6 inches x 12 inches. Small clutches that are 9 inches X 6 inches are permitted and do not need to be clear.

The Alpert JCC is located on the Weinberg Jewish Long Beach Campus.