Has fashion icon “Mr. Blackwell been resurrected for Halloween in Los Al?

Local resident Carol Churchill. Courtesy photo

Council Member District 4 and “Mean Girl want-a-be” Shelley Hasselbrink pressed her fellow council members to enact a Dress Code for themselves.

She stated that they should dress “professionally” and “conservatively”.
A long list of “don’t” appears in a new Council Policy Manual.

Men have to shave their facial hair;
Mini skirts are a “no-no’.
Sandals must have “heals”.
“Extreme Colors” of clothing and hair are a fashion blunder.

Oddly, Hasselbrink’s proposed NO fashion policy against wearing “hats” during the meetings!

Probably because Hasselbrink’s pal, District 1 Tanya Doby, has been sitting on the dais in “fedoras” and “Texas 10 Gallon Cowboy Hats” to cover up the fact that she falls asleep during the meeting.

Just envision this monthly ritual …

Hasselbrink lines up each council member in front of a mirror and, like an old schoolmarm, berates them for for their fashion “faux pas”.

Hilbard will be criticized for showing off her svelte curvey figure in too tight a dress because she attracts too much attention with her brilliant white smile.

Nefulda will be told to leave his tennis shoes at home, and she will hand him an electric shaver and tell him to go into the bathroom and trim his stubbles.

Los Alamitos’s new fashion Guru will berate Ms. Murphy for her braided hair and her youthful, contemporary, non-conservative, fashion choices, and will insist she put on a “suit”.

Then, the five members of the council will have to VOTE to see who will be “sanctioned” for not being “professional” and “conservative” enough for the new “Mean Girl” in town.

Do any of you think that your elected City Council should spend their time finding out what happened to the $1 Million loss in taxpayer money that appears on their 2021-2023 financial statements?

Or maybe one of them should accurately calculate how to pay down the $26 Million in “unfunded pension liability” that appears in the California State Controllers List of Cities on the Pension Hazard Default List.

BUT NO….petty bitchiness is more important than taking care of the public’s business.
You have a changes to fix this embarrassing situation.

The proposed changes to the City Charter would allows for Hasselbrink to avoid her 12 year term limit and stay in power for another 12 years.
VOTE NO on the Charter Amendment.

Los Al does not need the oldest “mean girl” in town to dictate who wears what.
She needs to get a life.