Locals celebrated for achieving Eagle Scout

Mark Hansberry and Jackson Fortune of Boy ScoutTroop 658 in Los Alamitos recently celebrated their Eagle Court of Honor at Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church after they received scouting’s highest honor, the rank of Eagle Scout.  

Mark Hansberry and Jackson Fortune of Boy ScoutTroop 658 in Los Alamitos recently celebrated their Eagle Court of Honor at Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church after they received scouting’s highest honor, the rank of Eagle Scout.  

Family, friends and troop leaders attended the ceremony. Each of the scouts had an opportunity to describe their Eagle project, a requirement for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout. 

At the ceremony Past Scoutmaster Martin Hernandez described the process to achieve Eagle status. Requirements include earning at least 21 merit badges, demonstrating ideals of service and leadership, including organizing and leading an extensive service project. Fewer than five percent of Boy Scouts nationwide attain this illustrious rank.

City Council Member Warren Kusumoto attended the ceremony and presented both scouts with a Commendation on behalf of the City of Los Alamitos.

For his Eagle Project, Mark built a recycling center for the Los Altos United Church of Christ in Long Beach. This included laying a cement foundation, constructing a shed and purchasing durable recycle bins. Mark is a senior at Los Alamitos High School. He will be attending Chapman University in the fall.

For his Eagle Project, Jackson chose the Marching Band at his high school as the beneficiary. He designed, built, painted and installed five shelving units in the instrument room. Jackson is a sophomore at Pacifica High School in Garden Grove.