105-year-old still active in local politics, endorses candidates

(L-R) David Burke, Adela Valenzuela, Rachel Strong and Terry Miller. Photo by Tim Yerian

You’re never too young to get involved in politics.

Adela Valenzuela is a 105-year-old resident of Cypress California. She has endorsed three residents running for City Council office. From left to right David Burke, Rachel Strong and Terry Miller. Adela Valenzuela recognizes this diverse group as her choice to represent the city of Cypress as a whole, according to local resident Tim Yerian.

Adela was born on Dec. 19, 1916 and is a Native American of Orange County. She is the oldest living Native American of the Juaneno Band of Mission Indians. She is from the Acjchemen Nation. Adela’s ancestry comes from the Village of Alauna Aka O’Neil Park. San Juan Capistrano is Adela’s hometown and where she was born.

Adela was born before women were granted the right to vote. The 19th amendment legally guarantees American women the right to vote. Ratified August 18th 1920.

The three Cypress candidates that Adela Valenzuela has endorsed, Terry Miller, Rachel Strong and David Burke. Want to celebrate her birthday on Dec. 19th this coming year. When she’ll celebrates her 106th Birthday.